Create a batch

Create batch


Create a new batch for processing.





Your company's API key.



Authentication token.

Request Body




GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. See Batch methods.



Options for processing. See Batch options.


keyed collection

The records to process. A key-value collection of the char type ID and an array of records.



The relationships to process.

    "batchId": 48865381,
    "batchStatus": "Created"

Sample Create Batch request - Retrieve records

    "method": "GET",
    "batchOptions": {
        "cancelIfRecordFails": false
    "records": {
        "1": [
                "id": 100
                "id": 101
        "3": [
                "id": 200
                "id": 201
    "relationships": [
            "id": 301

Sample Create Batch Request - Create contact records

When creating records in a batch, you can include an optional string parameter referenceId in the request body. If a record in the batch fails to create for any reason, the referenceId will be returned for that record so you are able to map the record in the request to the errored record in the response.

    "method": "POST",
    "records": {
        "2": [
                "title":"Person 1",
                    "templateId": 1
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "department": "Sales"
                "referenceId": "contact1"
                "title":"Person 2",
                    "templateId": 1
                    "first_name": "Susan",
                    "last_name": "Williams",
                    "department": "Accounting"
                "referenceId": "contact2"
        "cancelIfRecordFails": true

Sample Error Response

    "batchId": 188181886,
    "batchStatus": "Errored",
    "batchResults": {
        "records": {
            "2": [
                    "code": 400,
                    "message": "{\"IsValid\":false,\"IsLocked\":false,\"IsDeletable\":false,\"Errors\":[{\"Key\":\"CharDataValidation\",\"Value\":[\"Invalid field found fake_field.\"]}],\"HasConflicts\":false,\"HasBlockingConflicts\":false,\"DbValidationErrors\":[]}",
                    "id": 0,
                    "referenceId": "contact1"
        "relationships": []

Sample Create Batch Request - Copy Record

To copy a record or multiple records, you can use the "COPY" method. Copying a record creates an identical record to the one being copied, with the same char type, template, status, and characteristics. The new record will have a new ID, and you can specify the following options:

  • title - The title for the new record

  • dateMathOption (optional, default = Default) - Use one of the following options:

    • Default - All fields with date math on module records will refer to copied record dates; all fields with date math on component record dates will refer to original record dates.

    • Original Record - All date math on module record and child components being copied should refer to original record dates.

    • Copied Record - All date math on module record and child components being copied should refer to copied record dates.

  • copyRelationships - include the relationships that you want to copy over to the new record

    "method": "COPY",
    "records": {
        "2": [
                "copyRelationships": [
                        "id": 971252653,
                        "relationshipType": {
                            "relationshipTypeId": 0,
                            "relationshipTypeName": "Default"
                        "parentCharTypeId": 4,
                        "parentRecordId": 4123,
                        "parentTemplate": {
                            "templateId": 1,
                        "childCharTypeId": 2,
                        "childRecordId": 402
                "title":"New Title of Record",
                "id": 402,
                    "templateId": 1
                "dateMathOption": "Default" // "Default", "OriginalRecord", or "CopiedRecord"
        "cancelIfRecordFails": true

Sample Create Batch Request - Copy To

The Copy To functionality allows you to copy records to a new char type. The request is the same as the Copy functionality, but including the new charTypeId and the new templateId for the copied record.

    "method": "COPY",
    "records": {
        "2": [
                "copyRelationships": [
                        "id": 971252653,
                        "relationshipType": {
                            "relationshipTypeId": 0,
                            "relationshipTypeName": "Default"
                        "parentCharTypeId": 4,
                        "parentRecordId": 4123,
                        "parentTemplate": {
                            "templateId": 1,
                        "childCharTypeId": 2,
                        "childRecordId": 402
                "charTypeId": 4,
                "title":"New Title of Record",
                "id": 402,
                    "templateId": 12
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "department": "Sales"
                "dateMathOption": "Default" // "Default", "OriginalRecord", or "CopiedRecord"
        "cancelIfRecordFails": true

Sample Create Batch Request - Execute Workflow

    "method": "EXECUTE-WORKFLOW",
    "records": {
        "1": [
                "id": 100,
                "actionId": 1
                "id": 101,
                "actionId": 1
        "3": [
                "id": 200,
                "actionId": 2
                "id": 201,
                "actionId": 4

Sample Create Batch Request - Create Relationship

    "method": "POST",
    "relationships": [
            "parentCharTypeId": 4,
            "parentRecordId": 4156,
            "childCharTypeId": 3,
            "childRecordId": 131262
            "parentCharTypeId": 4,
            "parentRecordId": 4156,
            "childCharTypeId": 3,
            "childRecordId": 131604
            "parentCharTypeId": 4,
            "parentRecordId": 4156,
            "childCharTypeId": 3,
            "childRecordId": 1324213

Sample Create Batch request - Delete relationships

    "method": "DELETE",
    "batchOptions": {
        "cancelIfRecordFails": false
    "relationships": [
            "id": 44809801
            "id": 55489923

Sample Create Batch Request - Calculate Amortization

    "amortizationModelId": 1,
    "records": {
        "5": [
                "id": 200
                "id": 201

Last updated