
Configures a dropdown and an input that allows a currency amount to be entered

The Currency Value Set and Value Source must be selected for the Money Characteristic to work.

This field also presents a currency conversion from the selected currency to the company's default currency. The expected format of the value entered is a standard number with decimal. The full decimal entered is saved but not displayed.

Value Precisionis AllowMultiple respected?Has validation?




Example Money Field Value

    "locAmt": 1.50,
    "locSym": "EUR",
    "locCur": 2,
    "divAmt": 1.75,
    "divSym": "USD",
    "divCur": 1

When setting or updating a money field via the API, you should only pass the locAmt, and eitherlocSym or locCur fields. If any of the additional fields are present in the request you will be presented with an error.

Example Creating Deal with Money Field ("allocated") with locSym

POST /v4/deal
    "title": "Test Deal",
    "template": {
    "characteristics": {
        "allocated": {
            "locAmt": 10.00,
            "locSym": "EUR"

Example Creating Deal with Money Field ("allocated") with locCur

POST /v4/deal
    "title": "Test Deal",
    "template": {
    "characteristics": {
        "allocated": {
            "locAmt": 10.00,
            "locCur": 4

If you are using our new Three Level Currency Conversion Feature, API requirements can be found here.

Money Data Type Definition

     "fields" : [
	   "fieldName": "Money single",
	   "label": "money_single",
	   "required": false,
	   "maxLength": 10000,
	   "editable": true,
	   "dataType": "Money",
	   "allowMultiple": false,
	   "listOfValues": [
			"id": 1,
			"label": "USD",
			"xref": null,
			"childValues": []
			"id": 2,
			"label": "GBP",
			"xref": null,
			"childValues": []
			"id": 3,
			"label": "JPY",
			"xref": null,
			"childValues": []

Last updated