Every batch has the following fields:
batchId (int) - The Batch ID.
batchStatus (string) - The Batch status .
batchResults (object) - The record and relationship objects that are the result of the batch.
Copy {
"batchId" : Int ,
"batchStatus" : "Created" / "InProgress" / "Errored" / "Cancelled" / "Complete" ,
"batchResults" : {
"records" : {EntityObjectDictionary} ,
"relationships" : [RelationshipObject]
Batch records
Batch records are organized in a key-value collection, where the records are grouped by the char type ID. For example, the following JSON contains four records, two contacts (char type ID = 2) and two catalog items (char type ID = 1).
Copy {
"records" : {
"2" : [
"characteristics" : {
"department" : "Sales" ,
"first_name" : "John" ,
"last_name" : "Smith"
} ,
"template" : {
"templateId" : 1
} ,
"title" : "Person 1"
} ,
"characteristics" : {
"department" : "Accounting" ,
"first_name" : "Susan" ,
"last_name" : "Williams"
} ,
"template" : {
"templateId" : 1
} ,
"title" : "Person 2"
] ,
"1" : [
"characteristics" : {
"release_year" : 2006
} ,
"template" : {
"templateId" : 1
} ,
"title" : "Catalog 1"
} ,
"characteristics" : {
"release_year" : 2013
} ,
"template" : {
"templateId" : 1
} ,
"title" : "Catalog 2"
When retrieving a batch, the records will be organized in a slightly different structure. The records will still be organized in a key-value collection by char type ID, but each individual entity will have a few new fields:
record (object) - The entity object.
code (int) - The HTTP status code indicating the status of creating/updating/deleting/retrieving the record. Examples are 200, 400, 403, 404, 409
message (int) - A human-readable message of the status of the batch record. Examples would be "Found.", "Created.", "Updated.", "Deleted.", "Action Executed.", "Copied.", "Record Not Found.", "Access Denied.", "Invalid Record.", "Record Locked."
id (int) - The ID of the record.
Copy "records" : {
"1" : [
"record" : {
"id" : 5 ,
"revisionId" : 0 ,
"title" : "test" ,
"template" : {
"templateId" : 1 ,
"templateName" : "Feature" ,
"processId" : 0
} ,
"status" : {
"statusId" : 19 ,
"statusName" : "Inactive, Not Deletable, Locked"
} ,
"characteristics" : {
"notes" : [
} ,
"createdById" : 46232 ,
"createdDate" : "2015-09-03T00:59:01.507Z" ,
"lastUpdatedById" : 1100491 ,
"lastUpdatedDate" : "2023-02-14T18:30:19.857Z" ,
"statusUpdatedById" : 1100491 ,
"statusUpdatedDate" : "2020-12-11T17:51:50.830Z"
} ,
"code" : 200 ,
"message" : "Found." ,
"id" : 5
Batch relationships
Copy {
"relationships" : [
"parentCharTypeId" : 4 ,
"parentRecordId" : 4958 ,
"childCharTypeId" : 1 ,
"childRecordId" : 23456
} ,
"parentCharTypeId" : 4 ,
"parentRecordId" : 4958 ,
"childCharTypeId" : 2 ,
"childRecordId" : 12345
When retrieving a batch, the relationships will take on a similar structure as the records in the response, containing the additional fields below:
relationship (object) - The relationship object.
code (int) - The HTTP status code indicating the status of creating/deleting/retrieving the relationship. Examples are 200, 400, 403, 404, 409
message (int) - A human-readable message of the status of the batch record. Examples would be "Found.", "Created.", "Deleted.", "Access Denied."
id (int) - The ID of the relationship.
Copy "relationships" : [
"relationship" : {
"id" : 431235011 ,
"relationshipType" : {
"relationshipTypeId" : 0 ,
"relationshipTypeName" : "Default"
} ,
"createdById" : 1091106 ,
"createdDate" : "2020-07-10T20:24:34.263Z" ,
"lastUpdatedById" : 1091106 ,
"lastUpdatedDate" : "2020-07-10T20:24:34.263Z" ,
"parentCharTypeId" : 4 ,
"parentRecordId" : 1493 ,
"childCharTypeId" : 1 ,
"childRecordId" : 8327 ,
"sequenceNumber" : 1602064027648
} ,
"code" : 200 ,
"message" : "Found." ,
"id" : 431235011
Last updated 11 months ago