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Parties is a field on the Entity root type that represents the entity's associated party records. Parties is an array of type Party, which has the following structure:
{ entity(id: 10, charTypeId: 4) { parties { items { id title partyId partyName createdBy createdDate lastUpdatedBy lastUpdatedDate contact { id title template { templateId templateName } characteristics createdBy createdDate lastUpdatedBy lastUpdatedDate } } } }}
Parties can also be filtered by specifying one or more party IDs in an array called partyIds:
{ entity(id: 10, charTypeId: 4) { parties (partyIds: [1,2]) { items { id title partyId partyName } } }}
To limit response sizes, the Parties field utilizes paging. To page through the party records, use the skip and take parameters:
{ entity(id: 10, charTypeId: 4) { parties(: 10, : 10) { items { id title partyId partyName } } }}
The default page size is 50.
There are also additional fields in the request that help to identify the total number of Parties records (totalCount), if a previous page exists (hasPreviousPage), and if a next page exists (hasNextPage). hasPreviousPage and hasNextPage are nested in a pageInfo object on the Parties object: