Searching for deleted entities or relationships
While not as full featured as the search endpoints described in the rest of this section, the /search-deleted endpoints allow for some basic querying of both entities and relationships that have been deleted.
The deleted entity search object
Search For Deleted Entities
Search for an entity that has been deleted based on high level details and/or audit information. The start and end date of the audit window in which the delete occurred are the only required parameters and are limited to a 30 window to keep response sizes down.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
startDate* | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the delete occurred. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
endDate* | Date | End of the timeframe in which the delete occurred. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. Limited to 30 days after |
deletedById | Number | ID of the user that performed the delete. |
charType | Number | ID for the type of entity deleted. |
recordId | Number | ID of the entity deleted. |
templateId | Number | Template ID of the entity deleted. |
statusId | Number | Status ID of the entity deleted. |
createdStartDate | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the entity was created. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
createdEndDate | Date | End of the timeframe in which the entity was created. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
createdById | Number | ID of the user that created the entity. |
updatedStartDate | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the entity was last updated. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
updatedEndDate | Date | End of the timeframe in which the entity was last updated. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
updatedById | Number | ID of the user that last updated the entity. |
statusUpdatedStartDate | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the entity's status was last updated. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
statusUpdatedEndDate | Date | End of the timeframe in which the entity's status was last updated. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
statusUpdatedById | Number | ID of the user that last updated the status of the entity. |
The deleted relationship search object
Search for Deleted Relationships
Search for a relationship that has been deleted based on high level details and/or audit information. The start and end date of the audit window in which the delete occurred are the only required parameters and are limited to a 30 window to keep response sizes down.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
startDate* | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the delete occurred. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
endDate* | Date | End of the timeframe in which the delete occurred. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. Limited to 30 days after |
deletedById | Number | ID of the user that performed the delete. |
createdStartDate | Date | Beginning of the timeframe in which the relationship was created. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
createdEndDate | Date | End of the timeframe in which the relationship was created. ISO date format for the string. UTC time zone. |
createdById | Number | ID of the user that created the relationship. |
Last updated