Multi-query functions

Multi-query functions allow you to group one or more queries together and evaluate them as a collection based on the function operator. The available multi-query function operators are:

Satisfies all conditions.

Satisfies one or more conditions.

Does not satisfy a condition.

To use multi-query functions, set one of the operators above as a key in the JSON request body, and set the value to an array of subqueries. The subqueries will then be evaluated based on the logic above.

These multi-query functions can be nested inside other queries as well. In this case, the inner-most function is evaluated first, and then evaluated outwards.

For instance, in the following contact search query, we would return results where the contact has a template ID equal to 10, and either the title has a value of test or the email address has a value of

POST /v4/contact/search
    "query": {
        "$and": [
                "$eq": [
                "$or": [
                        "$eq": [
                        "$eq": [
    "rows": 100,
    "start": 0

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