Relationship search

Search for a relationship between two entities.


This endpoint allows you to search for a specific relationship between entities.


Request Body

  "numFound": 1,
  "entities": [
      "id": 401961455,
      "relationshipType": {
        "relationshipTypeId": 0,
        "relationshipTypeName": "Default"
      "createdById": 1,
      "createdDate": "2020-06-03T02:09:48.970Z",
      "lastUpdatedById": 1,
      "lastUpdatedDate": "2020-06-03T02:09:48.970Z",
      "parentCharTypeId": 4,
      "parentRecordId": 1000,
      "parentTemplate": {
        "templateId": 1,
        "templateName": "Rights In"
      "parentStatus": {
        "statusId": 1,
        "statusName": "Active"
      "childCharTypeId": 1,
      "childRecordId": 1,
      "childTemplate": {
        "templateId": 1,
        "templateName": "Feature"
      "childStatus": {
      "statusId": 1,
        "statusName": "Active"
      "sequenceNumber": 1482159542272

Example Request

Request all relationships between deal ID #4 and child rights, sorted by most recently created date.

    "query": {
            {"$eq":["parentrecordid", 4]},
            {"$eq":["parentchartypeid", 4]},
            {"$eq":["childchartypeid", 3]}
    "sortOrders": [
        "created desc"

Last updated