Switch catalog item template

Switches the catalog item record to a new template

Switch catalog item template

POST https://ris.rightsline.com/v4/catalog-item/:id/switch-template

This endpoint allows you to change the template of an catalog item.

Path Parameters


Request Body

    "id": 1,
    "relationshipsNotMigrated": {
        "parties": [],
        "associations": {}
    "characteristicsNotMigrated": [],
    "characteristicsRequiredOnNewTemplate": []

Check the new template before switching

POST https://ris.rightsline.com/v4/catalog-item/:id/switch-template-check

This endpoint allows you to check what will happen to a record before switching the template.

Path Parameters


Request Body

   "relationshipsNotMigrated": {
        "parties": [],
        "associations": {}
    "characteristicsNotMigrated": [],
    "characteristicsRequiredOnNewTemplate": []

Last updated